Harrison Campus #3 – Better Be True – Andy Gallo & Anyta Sunday (Lecture en VO)

Après un second opus des plus succulents, il me tardait de savoir ce que le duo Andy Gallo & Anyta Sunday allait me réserver dans ce troisième opus ! Et à nouveau ce fut un pur régal pour le moral !

Avant d’aller plus loin, je tiens à préciser que bien qu’il s’agisse d’une suite, cette histoire peut être lue indépendamment des autres. Cependant pour mieux apprécier (et faire une petite comparaison), je vous conseille quand même de découvrir l’histoire de Jack & Ed ainsi que celle d’Isaiah & Darren.

Cette fois-ci nous allons faire connaissance avec Nico & Luke. Deux forces de caractère que tout oppose m’ont littéralement séduite chacun à leur manière. L’un pour son excentricité et son grand cœur. L’autre pour sa détermination et sa bienveillance.

Tous deux ont des affaires à régler Philadelphia. Nico a promis d’aider sa soeur pour l’organisation de son mariage. Tandis que Luke doit suivre un stage. Mais voilà, l’un comme l’autre se sont faits largués par leurs mecs…

Malgré une première rencontre peu prometteuse, ils décident d’être colocataires pendant l’été. Et même s’il n’y a qu’une seule chambre à coucher, contre toute attente s’ils s’entendent très bien et ils se rendent parfois mutuellement service en tant que faux petits amis. Mais quand les sentiments font leur entrée sans crier gare, ces trois mois à venir s’annoncent plus compliqués que prévu…

Que dire des autres personnages ? Ils sont intéressants et auront eux aussi leur rôle à jouer. Certains vont agréablement vous surprendre comme cette famille italienne envahissante mais fort sympathique qui sera d’un grand soutien. D’autres par contre vont vous faire perdre patience comme cet agaçant ex qui s’immisce un peu trop… Et enfin je terminerai avec une mention spéciale pour Nonna, cette grand-mère qui est juste extra !

En bref… Une fois n’est pas coutume, la magie Andy Gallo & Anyta Sunday a opéré de la meilleure façon qui soit ! Il faut dire que ces deux fines plumes ont réunis tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour nous offrir une émouvante lecture feeling good. Alors si vous lisez en VO et que vous êtes friands de comédies romantiques avec de faux petits amis,« Better Be True » est exactement ce qu’il vous faut. Une passionnante et délicieuse romance slow-burn MM qui à savourer sans modération surtout en cette période estivale…

Voici un petit extrait

“Hey.” Nico shut the back door and sat next to Luke, handing him a glass of wine. “Here. It’s a full-bodied zinfandel.”
“Thanks.” More cluelessness. What made the wine full-bodied? “Sorry.”
“For what?” Nico set his drink down and gently rubbed Luke’s back. “I thought things went well.”
The smooth motion soothed some of Luke’s anxiety. He leaned into the massage.
“Clearly I didn’t study the right things.”
Nico’s hand paused on his back. “You studied to come here?”
“Just food stuff. I didn’t want to sound stupid.”
Nico’s hand drifted up and kneaded the tight muscles in Luke’s neck. “That’s . . . really considerate of you. Thank you.”
Luke tasted his wine, and Nico removed his hand. Once gone, Luke missed the contact. Not that he could ask Nico to keep doing it. “Yeah, well it didn’t help. I still looked stupid, and your family thinks I’m an idiot.”
“Actually, they really like you.”
“You don’t have to be nice.”
“No, really. If they didn’t like you, you’d know it. Elisa brought home this total dickwad once. Five minutes into dinner, Papà and Nonno started talking smack about him in Italian. Nonna called him a jackass, which is about the second-worst curse word she uses.”
“What did your sister say when this was happening?”
“I think she was more embarrassed by the guy than by the family. Even she could tell he was being a jackass.” Nico picked up his glass. “You, however, were great.”
“I’m serious. You were respectful, but not too meek. You didn’t try to turn any conversation onto yourself, and you offered to help clear the table. That alone earned you Nonna’s seal of approval.”
“Now I know you’re lying. She almost stabbed me with her fork when I offered.”
Nico snorted. “I saw that. But it’s not what you think. Guests don’t help.”
“Elliott helped.”
“Yeah, but he’s about to marry my sister. If you kept coming home with me, then they’d expect you to help.” Nico bit his lip, frowned, and stared into the yard. “But I promise I won’t foist this craziness on you again.”
The finality of Nico’s promise filled Luke with . . . something. Regret came closest. “It’s all good. Your family’s great.”
“They are great, and I love them to death.”
Nico eyed the back door and leaned in to whisper, “Sometimes they’re a bit much.”
Luke laughed. “That’s all families.” He bumped his shoulder against Nico’s. When Nico pushed back, Luke didn’t move.
They sat, pressed together, staring out at the yard.
Fake boyfriends. Fake boyfriends. Fake.
Nico had made it clear he wasn’t ready to date, let alone have a boyfriend.
Besides, Luke wasn’t in the right place to date either. So why did it feel like jolts of electricity kept zapping between them? And why, when the conversation inside had gotten lively, had Luke felt warm and heavy? Like he was with family.

About Andy Gallo

Andy Gallo prefers mountains over the beach, coffee over tea, and regardless if you shake it or stir it, he isn’t drinking a martini. He remembers his “good old days” as filled with mullets, disco music, too-short shorts, and too-high socks. Thanks to good shredders and a lack of social media, there is no proof he ever descended into any of those evils.

Andy does not write about personal experiences and no living or deceased ex-boyfriends appear on the pages of his stories. He might subconsciously infuse his characters with some of their less noble qualities, but that is entirely coincidental even if their names are the same. And while Andy leaves the hard sci-fi/fantasy for his alter ego, Andrew, in his mind a touch of the supernatural never derailed a good relationship.

Married and living his own happy every after, Andy helps others find their happy endings in the pages of his stories. He and his husband of more than twenty years spend their days raising their daughter and rubbing elbows with other parents. Embracing his status as the gay dad, Andy sometimes has to remind others that one does want a hint of color even when chasing after their child.

Join his Facebook group for more of your favorite characters and to meet new favorites: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GalloreousReaders/

Website: https://www.andygallo.com
Email: andy@andygallo.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andygalloauthor

About Anyta Sunday

A bit about me: I’m a big, BIG fan of slow-burn romances. I love to read and write stories with characters who slowly fall in love. Some of my favorite tropes to read and write are: Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Clueless Guys, Bisexual, Pansexual, Demisexual, Oblivious MCs, Everyone (Else) Can See It, Slow Burn, Love Has No Boundaries. I write a variety of stories, Contemporary MM Romances with a good dollop of angst, Contemporary lighthearted MM Romances, and even a splash of fantasy. My books have been translated into German, Italian, French, and Thai.

Contact: http://www.anytasunday.com/about-anyta/
Sign up for Anyta’s newsletter and receive a free e-book: http://www.anytasunday.com/newsletter-free-e-book/
Join my Facebook group to chat all things Slow Burn Romance: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SlowBurnSundays/

You can also find me here: https://www.anytasunday.com

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